
Write documentation with go code in a declarative way to create beautiful documentation

Why use docgo

The developer community often use markdown or in Python world use Sphinx and reStructuredText to create tech documentations, We think they are nice, But because of these reasons we created this package for the Go community:

  • Work together with snippetgo to use real executable code as example code blocks in documentation, So that it won't be invalid or obsolete after code change, Since Go compiler will pick out the errors and you will have to fix the examples to make compiler happy, and the documentation is automatically updated.
  • Write documentation in Go code not only you can still write markdown, But also you can access the flexibility of a programming language, to use components, and reuse parts that are duplicated.
  • Documents exists inside go code, means it can be distributed as go packages, so it won't be restricted with directory layout.
  • Make developer focus on writing documentation, instead of worrying about document styles.

Getting Started

Run this script to install docgo binary

$ go install 

Go to a go package that use go modules with go.mod in the directory. and run:

$ docgo

It will output something like this:

docsrc/assets/logo.png generated
docsrc/build/main.go generated
docsrc/dev/main.go generated
docsrc/ generated
docsrc/examples-generated.go generated
docsrc/home.go generated

cd docsrc && ./ to start your doc

Run cd docsrc && ./ and access http://localhost:8800 to see generated first doc.

The ./ script is using entr to do auto restart server after you edit any go file. So make sure to have that installed if you haven't

$ brew install entr

Then you can go back to the docsrc directory to edit and create go files to update docs.

The following code is used to build this doc Hello World

Use the following code to boot up your doc app, Suppose you have already created a Home Doc in docsrc package.